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Build a Thriving Brand and Reach Your Small Business Goals 

Want to build an authentic brand with intentional marketing that lets you stand out amongst your competition? Feel empowered in your business and reach your business goals with strategic, customized graphic design, branding and marketing.

5+ Years Marketing & Design Experience

70% Sustainable Materials, Suppliers & Processes

Marketing Assets Designed for 25+ Small Businesses

Qualified Photographer & Graphic Design Expert

Qualified Photographer & Graphic Design Expert

  • Full-Service Branding, Web Design, & Marketing Strategy

    Perfect if you’re just starting out or needing to completely overhaul your branding and marketing strategy.

  • Branding & Brand Communication Strategy

    The Fennec Fox is designed for you if you’re struggling to define your brand style and remain consistent across all platforms. 

  • Social Media Content, Calendar, & Strategy

    If social media completely overwhelms you, The Arctic Fox will take that stress away and put you back in control. 

  • Marketing Strategy & Development

    The Silver Fox builds your marketing strategy to ensure you're reaching your dream customers and approaching them in a memorable way.

  • 1:1 Strategy Sessions ​

    Our 60-minute strategy sessions are designed to dive deep into your business goals to create customized marketing and branding solutions that deliver results.

At Sage Fox Studio, we offer a range of customizable packages and à la carte services that take the weight off your shoulders and allow you to grow your business with confidence.

Unlock Your Potential & Create a Business That Works For You
Show the World You Mean Business 

You’re a passionate business owner striving to make a difference in your community, giving it everything you’ve got. You’ve already made the courageous decision to ignore the status quo and carve your own path – now it’s time to make sure that path leads straight towards your full potential.


How you present yourself to the world is everything. To attract your dream customer, you have to show the world that you’re a genuine, human brand, and connect with audiences on shared values and beliefs. 


Chances are, you know marketing and branding are important for success, but you need more than that. You want to leave a memorable, authentic impression on your audience. You want to make a difference. You want to achieve work-life balance while having faith in the success of your brand.

Why We Stand Out in the Crowd

Completely Customizable Packages

Packages and services tailored to the unique needs of your business. There’s no job too small. 

Community & Sustainability

Create authentic, integrity-based marketing and branding with an eco-friendly, sustainable marketing partner. 

One-On-One Support

Peace of mind from knowing you have dedicated, one-on-one support where you won’t be passed from person-to-person.

Creative Marketing Solutions

Stand out in your niche with unique, strategic marketing services that are tailor-made to speak to your perfect customer. 

Karen is great to work with. She is personable, timely and most of all creative! We used Karen at Sage Fox to create a logo for our company and we are extremely happy with how she treated us and the process. The results were amazing. Highly recommend Sage Fox Studio!

Skyler F.

Slopeside Engineers

I’m here to support you as you pursue your passion.


As a small business owner myself, I have been in your shoes. I know how stressful and overwhelming it can be to take such a big risk. I will help you make that leap of faith worth it. 

I founded Sage Fox Studio to help other small business owners craft beautiful graphic design and marketing strategies that inspire their communities and foster growth. If you’re looking for a designer who is passionate about sustainability and client-based solutions, you’re in the right place.

Meet Your New Favorite Marketing Partner 

Do you have ideas but don’t have the time to implement everything yourself?

And you fear that if you DIY your branding or social media and it doesn’t work, it’ll be like you’ve taken a step backward…

Do you want to stand out from your competitors?

But find it difficult to communicate your uniqueness to the world through effective branding…


Is your goal to establish yourself in your market and make an impact on the people in your community?

But you’re struggling to show the world your expertise and really look the part…


Have you already tried tackling things like social media but it always feels like you’re trying to struggle along without direction?

And you never feel truly confident that what you’re doing will give you the results you need…

Do you feel tired and stressed from having so much on your plate?

But don’t know what to prioritize first to give you the best outcomes…

Do you know your business has the potential to thrive and make a difference in the world?

But worry that if you don’t make it work, a traditional job will be your fate...

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place. We’ve helped countless businesses get on top of their marketing and create a brand they’re proud of.

Building a meaningful business is no small feat. For business owners who want to make a difference in the world, finding the time to do everything yourself can be overwhelming – to say the least!

Are You Facing Any of These Common Challenges In Your Business?

For Small Business Owners, Just Staying Afloat Can Be Hard…

At Sage Fox Studio, we support you in perfecting your marketing and branding so that you can free up time to focus on the parts of business that you actually enjoy. 

Whether you need fresh brand guidelines, new business cards, newspaper adverts, a high-converting website, or entertaining social media posts, we’ve got your back.



With our supportive, affordable marketing services, setting your small business up for long-term success will feel effortless. Start crafting meaningful relationships with your customers and reaching your true potential.

Attract Your Dream Clients With Expert Marketing

Thank you for reaching out! I will be in touch soon to book our intro call.

Let's Do This!

The first step in working together is to set up an intro call to see if we’re a good fit. Please fill out the form below and I will be in touch soon to schedule a call.

Stop Dreaming & Start Doing

You’ve got the ambition and drive to take your business forwards but feel like you’re drowning when it comes to graphic design, social media, website design, and branding. 

Create an Authentic Brand That Attracts More Dream Clients

You’re ready to take your business to the next level with a stand-out brand that’s strategically designed to attract your perfect audience. 

Free Up Time To Focus On What Matters

You want to reclaim the time you need to focus on serving more customers by handing over your marketing and branding tasks to an experienced expert. 

Make an Impact On Your Community

You want to connect more deeply with your audience and unlock the potential your business has to make a positive impact on the world. 

Ready to Harness the Power of Marketing Magic In Your Business and See Your Brand Thrive?

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